台湾におけるモノづくり革新 -分業型協働から共創型協働へ-


Over the past decade, facing severe business environment changes, especially the impact of fierce competition in China and other emerging countries, the continued challenge manufactures innovative Taiwanese companies are gradually attracting attention. Recent innovation theory is constantly emphasized the importance of research and development, joint development, co-production and joint marketing with external organizations through collaboration. Concrete presentation is modularization in design or production.  Furthermore, it is also emphasized the inter-organizational relationship and open innovation by cooperation with suppliers, competitors, customers, and external research institutes. Based on these two dimensions, this paper explore two innovative patterns through the case studies of Taiwanese bicycle A-Team and Panasonic notebook computers production in Taiwan. Firstly, it will co-create new products, new processes and new markets with affiliating companies overall supply chain-related organizations including of a competitor and module production companies. Secondly, it will cooperate with component, part and modular suppliers to develop new products through module design, production and to create high customer value. Such development patterns, based on Taiwanese companies’ customer value creation, is considered as a co-creation model, a new concept of manufacturing innovation.



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